And I hope you had a spendid birthday!
O's are almost over! Just left with A/Cs paper 1 (MCQ) and Science MCQ. So, I just came home from shopping with mom at town. Managed to find some really nice gowns, and one particular green one from Zara, which I have reserved. Til I've found a nicer and better one, I'll still be hooked to that Green gown : D
Been've practicing and brushing up on my accounts the past few days with Bona. He came over to study, and tested me on certain chapters. The exact same question he tested me on came out for O's today la, I was trying so hard to recall the answer he gave me! Haha, other than that, it was fine. Except for a particular question 5, which seemed rather weird :[
I was actually panicking before the exam, cos I basically didnt cover disposal A/Cs so was praying really hard that it wouldn't come out. Thanks to the presence of the BASKETBALLERS that calmed me down : D Thanks sexy, Mary, Chow and all for the hug! And Mrs Siau was right, she spotted correctly! Disposal really didn't come out! Phewww! : D Hahahahhha.
Alright, I'm really love the basketballers hell alot! Rachel, Fishball, Sexy, Mary, Chow, Grace, Ms Tan, Chui, Sandra.. just all of them la! : D Heard from Chow, Grace is planning an outing for us on Wednesday to Kbox! Omgosh, looking forward to that! Its been a thousand years since we all last hung out and had some funn. A couple of days back, read Guan's blog:
I miss Basketballers, more than words.
I miss JiaoLian.
I miss training.
I miss exhausting myself to the limit that when I get home, all I want to do is sleep.
I miss being smelly.
I miss balling on our drowned-in-the-rain court.
I miss going out to town in our smelly jerseys etc after training.
I miss the muscle aches that can last for days.
I miss everything.
I haven't touched a ball for really long.
And yes, I do agree with you Guan. I miss Jiaolian too! I've got Chow to ask her out for Kbox toooo! : D hehe. OK, not fair! Rachel's O's are ending like tmr, and the few of us still have another 5 days to go. But it's alright, it's ok! (OMGOSH, I'm becoming a bimbo! Got this from Bring It On! Hahaha, Goodness I've been watching too much movies lately!)HAHA!
I should get gg, really tired! But before I go, here are replies to a few tags:
Chow: Hahahha! You miss me! I miss you more la! And yes THE CHRISTMAS TREEE! omgosh, one yr has passed so quickly! We'll take photos with it on grad night! Christmas Lightings are up! So I would suppose, a Christmas tree too? :D
Guan: FISHBALL! You're so poor thing la, everyone's like bullying you! Ahahahah! But I still love you ok! : D
Idiot: Hahah, dont know why I felt like leaving you a note tooo! I misss youuuu la! Earlier when I was shopping with mom for a gown, reminded me of how you followed me to look for a xmas gown last yr! Haha! Can't wait for this dumb o's to end, and I'll catch things up with you : D For now, you take care alright!
Bona: Take good care of my precious guitar ok! And yes your welcomeee! :D And study first, before you start playing with it pleaseee! Bear with it, O's are about to end!
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